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Get Involved

Calling All Volunteers

Need community service hours for school? Love to perform? Want to share your musical talents with others in the community?


Click the button below to fill out the Musician Volunteering Form.


A KEYS representative will be in touch with you shortly to set up a performance at a local facility!


Request A Performance

Want to host a performance by one of our wonderful musician volunteers? Feel like your facility could use a more calming or uplifting environment for

patients, residents, or staff?


KEYS performances are

currently free of charge!*


Request a KEYS performance by clicking on the button below.


Connect With KEYS

Learn more about KEYS by connecting directly with a experienced representative!


If you have an idea for our organization or if there is another way you would like to contribute

to KEYS, please let us know ---

ideas are welcome!


Click the button below to fill out our Contact Us Form.


*Subject to change based on the
future trajectory of the organization.

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